Monday, March 18, 2013

The World of a child with Trisomy

For some reason I cannot upload this video from youtube, but this is the link ^^^^^

This is the world that Ella Quinn Phelps was born into and left behind at 23 days old. 

We were told "most of these babies are aborted and it's not too late to choose termination" on her third day of life! I was told not to "bother to feed her, she will probably not be able to digest it anyways." Not only were we not allowed to feed and hold her in the NICU, we were also not allowed to take her home, even though they were no longer offering to do anything to prolong her life. We were forced to sign DNR papers before they were willing to start the process of hooking us up with hospice to get her out of there. 

In this world "genetic discrimination is a reality"  This is why I remind myself daily that this world is not our home.....

Today is Trisomy 18 Awareness day, just like every day we are missing our little Ella.

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