Yesterday I had just put Alida down for a nap when I noticed that the girls were outside playing with the new neighbors, I went outside to introduce myself. Meanwhile, Drew was back and forth, inside and outside, and after a few minutes he came out with Alida, her nap was short. He brought her over to me when one of the ladies said "And this must be Ella, Ivy told us she had a baby sister named Ella but she passed away, she must have meant that she was sleeping, now it makes sense." I said "Actually this is Alida, and we did have a daughter pass away last year and her name is Ella.".......awkward silence.......I quickly said "Nadia and Ivy have dealt with it differently, Nadia doesn't talk about it very often but when she does it's usually amongst family. Ivy on the other hand, talks about it to anyone and everyone, even perfect strangers." At this point the conversation transitioned into talking about how different children are, but I'm sure Ivy will bring up it again and we can tell our new neighbors more about our baby Ella.
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