Friday, November 2, 2012

Ella's Birthday

Ella was born one year and 3 minutes ago, at 7:41. The joy that moment brought to our family will not soon be forgotten. As I awoke this morning, holding my Alida, I held her a little bit tighter as I cried in bed. Ella can never be replaced, and I will forever hold my children a little bit closer. This has been a trying week, with Ella's birthday approaching, and I am sure the upcoming month will be as well. I am one to remember specific details and I remember every detail of sweet Ella's life with us. It is hitting me harder than I thought, although I never thought it was going to be easy. Easy and death of a child will never go hand in hand. 

"The world may never notice
if a rosebud doesn't bloom
or even pause to wonder if the petals fall too soon
but every life that ever forms
or ever comes to be
touches the world
in some small way for all eternity
the little one we longed for
was swiftly here and gone
but the love that was then planted
is a light that still shines on
and though our arms are empty
our hearts know what to do
every beating of our heart says
We will remember you." unknown

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